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CHC33021 Certificate III in Individual Support

CHC33021 - Certificate III in Individual Support

Qualification Overview 

This qualification reflects the role of individuals in the community, home or residential care setting who work under supervision and delegation as a part of a multi-disciplinary team, following an individualised plan to provide person-centred support to people who may require support due to ageing, disability or some other reason. 

These individuals take responsibility for their own outputs within the scope of their job role and delegation. Workers have a range of factual, technical and procedural knowledge, as well as some theoretical knowledge of the concepts and practices required to provide person-centred support. 

Career opportunities 

Depending on the specialisation the following are the potential career opportunities for the students:  

  • Aged Care Worker
  • Support Care Worker 
  • Community Care worker
  • Disability Worker
  • Residential care worker 
  • Care Assistant 
  • Neighbourhood Care Worker

At a glance

Estimated Duration
12 Months


Self-paced learning with weekly Online sessions and Face to face practical classes.

120 hours Vocational placement over a 3 – 4 week period

Gold Coast

Entry requirements
  • There are no entry requirements for this qualification.

To achieve this qualification, competency must be demonstrated in:

  • 15 units of competency: 
    • 9 Core Units 
    • 6 Elective Units 
Core Units
CHCCCS031Provide individualised support
CHCCCS038Facilitate the empowerment of people receiving support
CHCCCS040*Support independence and wellbeing
CHCCCS041Recognise healthy body systems
CHCCOM005Communicate and work in health or community services
CHCDIV001Work with diverse people
CHCLEG001Work legally and ethically
HLTINF006*Apply basic principles and practices of infection prevention and control
HLTWHS002Follow safe work practices for direct client care
Elective Units – Ageing Specialisation
CHCAGE011*Provide support to people living with dementia
CHCAGE013Work effectively in aged care
CHCPAL003Deliver care services using a palliative approach
HLTAID011Provide First Aid
CHCCCS044Follow established person-centred behaviour supports
CHCMHS001Work with people with mental health issues
Elective Units – Disability Specialisation
CHCDIS011*Contribute to ongoing skills development using a strengths-based approach
CHCDIS012Support community participation and social inclusion
CHCDIS020Work effectively in disability support
HLTAID011Provide First Aid
CHCCCS044Follow established person-centred behaviour supports
CHCMHS001Work with people with mental health issues
Elective Units – Disability and Ageing Specialisation
CHCDIS011*Contribute to ongoing skills development using a strengths-based approach
CHCDIS012Support community participation and social inclusion
CHCDIS020Work effectively in disability support
CHCAGE011*Provide support to people living with dementia
CHCAGE013Work effectively in aged care
CHCPAL003Deliver care services using a palliative approach

*Students are required to complete at least 120 hours of direct support work in a least one aged care, home and community, disability or community service organisation. 

Prior to commencement of placement, students may be required to obtain or provide evidence of a police check, blue and/or yellow card, first aid certificate and vaccination records. 

Certificate 3 Guarantee

To Understand the funding and Eligibility requirements refer to Certificate 3 Guarantee

Student Co-contribution fee

Number UnitsCo-contribution fee (Non – Concessional)Co-contribution fee (Concessional)
15$15.00 ($1.00 Per unit)$7.50 ($0.50 Per unit)

Fee For Service 

Number UnitsCourse Fee

Nationwide Education is a trading name of North Queensland Training Services Pty Ltd
RTO Code: 31954
Call: 1300 000 433

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Nationwide Education is a trading name of North Queensland Training Services Pty Ltd | RTO Code: 31954 | ABN: 91 156 512 408
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