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Certificate 3 Guarantee

The Certificate 3 Guarantee supports eligible individuals to complete their first post-school certificate III level qualification and increase their skills to move into employment, re-enter the workforce or advance their career.

The program also supports school students to access training and Queensland's Year 12 graduates to transition to employment by providing free training in high priority qualifications.

What Are Eligibility Requirements?

To be eligible for the Certificate 3 Guarantee you must meet the following criteria:

  • be a Queensland resident
  • be aged 15 years or over, and no longer at school (with the exception of VET in Schools students)
  • be an Australian or New Zealand citizen or Australian permanent resident (including humanitarian entrants), or a temporary resident with the necessary visa and work permits on the pathway to permanent residency
  • not hold, or be enrolled in, a certificate III level or higher qualification (not including qualifications completed at school and foundation skills training).

In addition to the standard eligibility requirements, specific restrictions and/or exemptions may apply to participation in certain subsidised qualifications. Any additional eligibility requirements will be based on industry advice or requirements under the relevant national training package and will be detailed in the Priority Skills List.

What qualifications are subsidised?

Under the Certificate 3 Guarantee, the Queensland Government provides a subsidy for a range of certificate III level vocational qualifications.

Foundation skills training and lower-level vocational qualifications may also be subsidised in certain circumstances.

To determine which of their courses are subsidised refer Nationwide Education's Queensland fee schedule or contact us directly.

What Is the Cost Involved?

Co-contribution fees can vary based on the course and the student's concessional status.
Refer to course overview for the qualifications

Useful Links 

Further information on the Certificate 3 Guarantee (C3G) Program can be located here:


Want to discuss your eligibility?

Reach out today and let's get started!

Nationwide Education is a trading name of North Queensland Training Services Pty Ltd
RTO Code: 31954
Call: 1300 000 433

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Nationwide Education is a trading name of North Queensland Training Services Pty Ltd | RTO Code: 31954 | ABN: 91 156 512 408
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